Kohei Aono ワーキングペーパー一覧に戻る

  • Forecasting Japanese Stock Returns with Financial Ratios and Other Variables


    This paper extends the previous analyses of the forecastability of Japanese stock market returns in two directions. First, we carefully construct smoothed market priceñearnings ratios and examine their predictive ability. We find that the empirical performance of the priceñearnings ratio in forecasting stock returns in Japan is generally weaker than both the priceñearnings ratio in comparable US studies and the price dividend ratio. Second, we also examine the performance of several other forecasting variables, including lagged stock returns and interest rates. We find that both variables are useful in predicting aggregate stock returns when using Japanese data. However, while we find that the interest rate variable is useful in early subsamples in this regard, it loses its predictive ability in more recent subsamples. This is because of the extremely limited variability in interest rates associated with operation of the Bank of Japanís zero interest policy since the late 1990s. In contrast, the importance of lagged returns increases in subsamples starting from the 2000s. Overall, a combination of logged price dividend ratios, lagged stock returns, and interest rates yield the most stable performance when forecasting Japanese stock market returns.


    In our previous study (Aono & Iwaisako, 2010), we examine the ability of dividend yields to forecast Japanese aggregate stock returns using the singlevariable predictive regression framework of Lewellen (2004) and Campbell & Yogo (2006). This paper continues and extends our earlier efforts in two respects. First, we examine the predictive ability of another popular financial ratio, namely, the priceñearnings ratio. This is motivated by the fact that some studies using US data (for example, Campbell & Vuolteenaho, 2004) find that smoothed market priceñearnings ratios have better forecasting ability than dividend yields. We carefully construct Japanese priceñearnings ratios following the methodology pioneered by Robert Shiller (1989, 2005) and examine their ability to forecast aggregate stock returns. We find that the predictive ability of the price dividend ratio is consistently better than that of the priceñearnings ratio.

  • On the Predictability of Japanese Stock Returns using Dividend Yield


    The aim of this paper is to provide a critical and comprehensive reexamination of empirical evidence on the ability of the dividend yield to predict Japanese stock returns. Our empirical results suggest that in general, the predictability is weak. However, (1) if the bubble economy period (1986—1998), during which dividend yields were persistently lower than the historical average, is excluded from the sample, and (2) if positive autocorrelation in monthly aggregate returns is taken into account, there is some evidence that the log dividend yield is indeed useful in forecasting future stock returns. More specifically, the log dividend yield contributes to predicting monthly stock returns in the sample after 1990 and when lagged stock returns are included simultaneously.


    The conventional present value relationship suggests that the “dividend yield” or “price-dividend ratio” is useful in explaining the behaviors of stock prices (see Campbell, Lo, & MacKinlay 1997, Chap. 7 for a review). Accordingly, there is a large literature examining the ability of the dividend yield to predict future stock returns. Empirical studies of US data include Fama & French (1988), Mankiw & Shapiro (1986), Stambaugh (1986, 1999), Lewellen (2004), Torous, Valkanov & Yan (2004), Campbell & Yogo (2006), Ang & Bekaert (2007), and Cochrane (2008) among others.

  • 「日本の株式市場・債券市場における金融政策の影響」





  • 「日本の株式市場の予測可能性」


    本論文では,日本の株式市場での株式収益率に予測可能性があるか否かを明らかにすることを目的に,Campbell(1991) に倣って Campbelll and Shiller(1988) の対数線形近似の手法と分散分解の手法を利用した分析を行った.日本における超過収益率の分析の結果,予期されなかった株式超過収益率の変動の分散に対して貢献を比較すると,いずれのサンプルにおいても将来の配当支払に関する期待の見直しの分散が大きく貢献しているものの,将来の超過収益率に対する期待の見直しの分散が貢献が一定程度確認出来るという結論を得た.さらに,1980 年代における日本の株式市場の特殊性を考慮し,1980 年代をサンプル期間から除いて,株式超過収益率の変動の分散に対する貢献を比較すると,将来の超過収益率に対する期待の見直しの分散が貢献する割合が相対的に大きくなった.また,超過収益率の予測方程式に構造変化がある可能性を考慮した.その結果,超過収益率の分析では 1989 年 12 月に構造変化が観測された.構造変化点以前のサンプルと以降のサンプルを用いた分析結果とフルサンプルの結果を比較すると,構造変化点以降のサンプルの方が,超過収益率についての予測可能性に関して,安定的な結果を得られている事が発見された.


    「株式収益率を予測出来るか否か」というテーマは,ファイナンスの学術研究においても,金融実務においても常に中心的な課題の1つであった.本論文では,株式収益率の予測可能性に関する重要なベンチマークである Campbell(1991) や Campbell and Ammer(1993) などで利用されている「Campbell 型分散分解」を用いて,日本の株式市場を分析する.本論文は,日本の株式市場の月次データに焦点をあて,本格的に「Campbell 型分散分解」を用いた分析をした最初の論文である.

  • The Consumption-Wealth Ratio and the Japanese Stock Market


    Following Lettau and Ludvigson (2001a,b), we examine whether the consumption—wealth ratio can explain Japanese stock market data. We construct the data series cayt, the residuals from the cointegration relationship between the consumption and the total wealth of households. Unlike the US results, cayt does not predict future Japanese stock returns. On the other hand, it does help to explain the crosssection of Japanese stock returns of industry portfolios. In the US case, cayt is used as a scaling variable that explains time variation in the market beta. In the Japanese case, the movement of cayt is interpreted as the change in the constant terms, hence the change in average stock returns. We also propose to improve cayt by taking real estate wealth into consideration.


    The consumption-based asset pricing model is among the most important benchmarks in financial economics. Yet, its empirical performance with a structural Euler equation of households using aggregate data has been a major disappointment (see Campbell [2003] for a recent survey). Hence, recent studies started looking into other aspects of the consumption-based model. An attractive alternative research strategy is to use disaggregate consumption data, which has been explored by authors such as Mankiw and Zeldes (1991) and Vissing-Jorgensen (2002). More recent studies including Lettau and Ludvigson (2001a,b), Parker and Julliard (2005), and Yogo (2006) examine, using aggregate data, long-run restrictions implied by consumption-based models, and they obtain useful results. In particular, Lettau and Ludvigson (2001a,b) consider the long-run cointegration relationship between consumption and household wealth. They propose to use the “cay” variable, which is in essence the consumption—wealth ratio of the household sector, in both predicting aggregate stock returns and explaining cross-sectional patterns of the US stock market.